CP Family Dentistry Blog

Prosthetic Preparation: 3 Cons of Getting Veneers

February 3, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 10:19 pm
Closeup of veneers being positioned over front teeth

Are you frustrated by one or more dental flaws, like cracks, chips, stubborn stains, or somewhat crooked or gapped teeth? If so, you might be a good candidate for porcelain veneers! These thin ceramic shells are customized to match your natural grin for seamless results and then cemented to the front surfaces of your teeth to hide imperfections.

If you’re avoiding this cosmetic upgrade because you’re worried about unwanted side effects, continue reading to learn about 3 problems patients sometimes have and what you can do about them!


New Year, New Grin: 4 Great Tips for a Whiter Smile

January 17, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 6:30 am
A closeup of a beaming young woman with a white smile

Now that it’s January, you likely want to start the year on the right foot. You may plan to lose weight, learn a new language, and more this month. Still, don’t forget to make “shiny teeth” one of your 2025 goals; this aim will pay off in the long run. Your Waverly dentist will even help you with this cosmetic dental pursuit. So, use these four great tips for a whiter smile in the coming months.


Should I Go to the ER for a Dental Emergency?

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 7:14 pm
A woman with a toothache at the dentist

Dental emergencies can be very scary, and it can be confusing to determine where to go when one happens. But unlike for medical emergencies, your local emergency room is usually not equipped to handle dental problems. Thankfully, your dentist offers emergency services that can help relieve your pain and treat your problem, so you’ll never have to be turned away from the ER.


5 Home Remedies for Toothache Pain

November 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 1:01 am
A man holding an icepack to his jaw

While all toothaches should be taken seriously, any pain that lasts longer than 24 hours is considered a dental emergency. If you find yourself suffering from this type of discomfort, schedule an urgent appointment with your emergency dentist. To relieve pain naturally while you wait, here are five tried-and-true home remedies that may help.


How to Fill Your Stomach During Tooth Extraction Recovery

October 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 8:53 pm
Woman enjoying a delicious bowl of yogurt

Congratulations! Your troublesome tooth has been extracted – or is soon to be extracted. A discomfort-free life is just around the corner; you have just one last hurdle to jump over: recovery. Tooth extraction recoveries aren’t any more involved than post-op care for your typical dental procedure, but it does mean going on a soft food diet.

Without the option of eating tough meat or crunchy veggies, some patients struggle to find foods that keep them full throughout the day. If you tend to have a Herculean appetite, especially when you’re resting, keep reading. Your stomach will appreciate these meal ideas!


Tarnished Tastebuds: Why Is There a Bitter Flavor in My Mouth?

September 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 4:14 pm
Nose-to-chest view of woman with brown hair holding hands over her mouth with green trails emitting from them

Have you noticed an unpleasant taste or odor lingering in your mouth that you can’t seem to brush or rinse away? Whether the flavor is salty, metallic, or simply rancid, you should contact your dentist for an emergency appointment as soon as possible. There are several potential causes, and though some are more urgent than others, you’ll need your provider’s help to determine what’s happening. Then, they’ll work with you to devise a personalized treatment plan based on your unique circumstances to safeguard your smile.

Continue reading to learn more about three possible reasons for the taste in your mouth and what you can do about them!


Age & Orthodontics: Why It’s Not Too Late for SureSmile

August 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 3:57 pm
Hand holding 2 clear aligners over light blue surface

Although we tend to associate orthodontics with teenagers, plenty of adults need help straightening their smiles, too. That said, bulky metal brackets can interfere with your daily work life, so you might think it’s too late for you to upgrade your grin.

Thankfully, your dentist can provide a more discreet alternative with SureSmile clear aligners. These transparent, plastic trays fit snuggly over your teeth to gently shift them to their ideal positions. If you’re worried that your age will impact their efficacy, keep reading to learn three reasons you can set your concerns aside!


The Truth About BOTOX: Busting Four Common Misconceptions

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 8:37 pm
Lady thinks something over

In the 1970s, Ophthalmologist Dr. Alan Scott experimented with botulinum toxin as a treatment for eye impairments. In 1978, he successfully used it to treat a patient’s eye muscles after surgery for retinal detachment. Since then, these BOTOX injections have been used for medical and aesthetic purposes, but many people have wrong ideas of how they work. Here’s a brief guide to a few popular falsehoods about BOTOX as well as the truths they conceal.


Enjoy These Traditional Summer Favorites with Dental Implants

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 10:46 pm

Summer is here again, and that means many people will be in parks or their backyards grilling up some tasty fare. Unfortunately, people with missing teeth or traditional dental restorations like dentures or dental bridges can have much difficulty enjoying many of the delicious foods off the grill. Here’s how dental implants can help you enjoy all the seasonal foods of summer so that you can get the most out of any given cookout.


Painless Presentation: Do I Really Need a Root Canal?

May 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cpfamilydental @ 8:37 pm
Two fake teeth, one with roots exposed, next to dental instruments on a pale surface

It can come as a surprise if you learn during a routine checkup that you need an emergency root canal. You may know that they’re often required to address toothaches, but if you have felt fine then you might wonder if the procedure is really necessary.

If you’re concerned that your dentist recommended a treatment that you don’t need, then you can set your mind at ease. It’s possible that your pearly white was decayed or damaged tooth and simply didn’t present with the usual pain. A root canal allows your provider to remove the infected materials and preserve its functionality.

Continue reading to learn 3 additional symptoms that indicate that your tooth needs to be repaired and protected!

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