Sedation Dentist – Waverly, OH
Stay Calm While We Care for Your Smile
We know that visiting the dentist can be frightening even if you’re just having routine dental work done. Our dental team isn’t here to judge; instead, they’ll take whatever steps are necessary to give you a positive dental experience. We offer two types of sedation dentistry in Waverly that can make your dental visits more pleasant. Whenever you call Corcoran Privitera Family Dental for an appointment, let us know if you have dental anxiety so that we can offer an appropriate form of sedation dentistry.

Why Choose Corcoran Privitera Family Dental for Sedation Dentistry?
- Nitrous Oxide and Oral Conscious Sedation Available
- Down-to-Earth, Knowledgeable Dentists
- Non-Judgmental, Comfortable Dental Environment
Oral Conscious Sedation

For this type of dental sedation, we’ll give you a pill that needs to be taken at a set time before your treatment begins. Once the effects kick in, you may start to feel drowsy, but you’ll still be awake. You’ll simply be so relaxed that you won’t mind what’s going on around you. You’ll be able to say goodbye to your anxieties so that you can stay calm during your appointment. If you doze off at any point during your treatment, we’ll be able to wake you up with a gentle shake.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

If you’re only mildly anxious about your dental care, nitrous oxide sedation may be the solution that you’re looking for. You’ll breathe in the sedative throughout your appointment to remain relaxed. One advantage of nitrous oxide sedation is that it can be adjusted throughout your appointment as needed. Another is the fact that nitrous oxide wears off quickly, which means you can return to your normal routine once your dental appointment is complete.