Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Waverly, OH
Treating Sore Wisdom Teeth

If you or a young adult in your life has sore third molars, it might be time to have them extracted. This can be a scary concept, but rest assured that we’ll do everything possible to promote a comfortable treatment. At Corcoran Privitera Family Dental, we can provide comprehensive in-house services for wisdom tooth removal. This includes sedation dentistry options for those who experience dental anxiety or physical discomfort when sitting still for prolonged periods. Once we treat your third molars, you’ll be able to get back to life as usual! Schedule your appointment with Dr. Corcoran or Dr. Privitera today so we can provide prompt and efficient assistance.
Why Choose Corcoran Privitera Family Dental for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?
- Wisdom Tooth Relief for All Ages
- Sedation Dentistry Options Available
- Gentle, Experienced Dental Team
What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, or “third molars,” are an extra set of pearly whites that grow in the very back of your mouth. No one’s completely sure why many people don’t develop these teeth until they’re teens or young adults, or why some people don’t have them at all! What we do know is that when they grow incorrectly, they can cause all kinds of problems for your oral health.
Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

More often than not, wisdom teeth need to be removed because they’re “impacted.” Impacted teeth can’t fully erupt above the gumline, either because they’re simply stuck, or existing pearly whites are blocking the exit, so to speak. This could result in dental damage, shifting teeth, cysts, infection, and discomfort. It’s also possible for bacteria build up to cause decay, so even if your wisdom teeth emerge successfully, make sure you take care of them with thorough brushing and flossing!
What to Expect From the Wisdom Teeth Procedure

The very first thing we’ll do is evaluate your oral situation and take X-rays of your mouth. You might not need a wisdom tooth extraction if they can grow in safely, and we want to confirm that the underlying issue is your third molar. If we determine that removal is the best option, there are two extraction methods we might use, depending on the circumstances:
- Surgical extraction is for impacted wisdom teeth. We’ll carefully open your gums so that we can safely cut your troublesome tooth into sections for removal.
- Simple extraction is for fully erupted wisdom teeth that have made it past the gumline. Instead of cutting your tooth, we’ll wiggle it loose with a special instrument.
In both scenarios, we’ll administer the appropriate local anesthetic to numb your treatment site before extraction. Remember that we also offer sedation dentistry services and would be happy to provide laughing gas or oral conscious sedation for anxious patients.
Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Extraction

After having a tooth or two extracted, your mouth is likely to be sore! There are also certain actions you should avoid so that you don’t disturb your treatment site blood clot (a good type of clot that actually protects you from discomfort and infection). We’ll give you more detailed instructions for your tooth extraction recovery before you leave our office, but in general, here’s what you can expect:
- Alleviating dental aches with over-the-counter pain medication
- Reducing swelling with a cold compress
- Preventing infection by brushing and flushing carefully and gently
- Sticking to a soft-food diet
- Setting aside any tobacco products while you heal
- Drinking without a straw
- Getting plenty of rest!
If you ever need a reminder or clarification about your aftercare instructions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team!